Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Google Expedition

Today our class went on a field trip swimming through some of the most beautiful waters from around the world.  We were fortunate enough to participate in the Expeditions Pioneer Program, using Expeditions, Google Cardboards, and phones to see virtual reality panoramas of places such as Saunders Reef, Galapagos Island, and Komodo Island.  As the students wore their virtual reality viewers, I used a tablet to guide them through what they were seeing.  Ask them what they saw on their field trip today! 

To learn more about the Expeditions Pioneer Program, visit the following link.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

NMES Wellness Forum 2/25/16

The NMES School Council will be hosting a Wellness Forum this Thursday, February 25th from 6:30 - 8:15.  Please join us to learn more about a variety of topics to help with your child’s overall wellness.  Guest speakers will share their expertise about the impact of social media and reducing anxiety in your child’s daily life. Additional information will be available about topics including allergies, addiction, head lice and more.  We hope many parents can attend!

Homework Update
Please be aware that as a result of the Wellness Forum, students will not be receiving homework on Thursday night. As a result, students will not be expected to complete a writing about reading response this week. In addition, students will receive the blind writing sort to complete on Wednesday night instead of Thursday night this week.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Class Visit with Beamer

We spent some time last week putting our nonfiction reading skills to work while we researched Service Dogs.  We identified categories we'd like to know more about, such as how service dogs are trained and how service dogs help people.  We read books, articles, and did some research on the internet.  We ended our research by having a special visit with the service dog here at NMES: Beamer.

We met with Beamer and Ms. Keane (Beamer's handler and a teacher here at NMES) to learn more about service dogs.  We learned specific things about Beamer and even got a chance to watch him follow many commands.  The students enjoyed learning about service dogs, especially about Beamer.

A segment about Beamer aired on the WBZ "Eye on Education."  You can see the story here.

Monday, January 18, 2016

A few busy days leading up to the long weekend

On Thursday, January 14th the third, fourth, and fifth graders were fortunate enough to see Ithacappella, an acapella group from Ithaca College, perform at Nathaniel Morton.  The students were very engaged during the performance and even had an opportunity to learn how to beat box.  Take a look below for some photos and videos from the performance.

On Friday, we met with our little buddies to learn about the zones of the ocean.  We learned that the ocean can be divided from its surface to its depth into three zones based on the amount of light received.  The sunlit zone receives the most light, the twilight zone receives dim light, and the midnight zone doesn't get any sunlight.  After watching a short video on Brainpop Jr., big friends and little friends worked together to create a poster showing the different layers of the ocean and which animals live in each layer.  We showed our little buddies how we can use the chromebooks to help us research.  We also replicated the zones of the ocean in a water bottle by using food coloring and oil.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Fraction and Decimal Review with Kahoot!

We are wrapping up our math unit on fractions and decimals, and to help us review we played a game using Kahoot!  Students worked with partners, and they began by creating team names.  Once all teams were signed in, the game began and the first question was displayed on the projector.  Partners had one minute to discuss each question, and once they agreed they selected their answers on iPads or Chromebooks.  Once all answers were locked in, the correct answers were displayed, and we could see how many teams selected each answer.  The students were very enthusiastic during this review, and we decided that we should play another version of this game.  However, this time, the students are going to create the questions.

Friday, November 20, 2015

Thanksgiving Banquet - Volunteers Needed

We are very excited for our upcoming Thanksgiving Banquet next Tuesday, November 24th.  We are still looking for volunteers to help with this banquet.  Fourth graders will be eating lunch from 12:40-1:10, and the times for other grade levels are included on the sign-up.  If you are available and willing to volunteer, please sign-up by click on the following link: Thanksgiving Banquet Sign-Up.  Thank you!

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Animal Adaptations

We have been busy learning all about animal adaptations!  During this unit, we identified the four basic needs of all living things: food, air, water, and shelter.  We also learned that animals have adaptations to help them survive, and these adaptations can be behaviors or body parts.

We learned that some animals use camouflage in order to help them get their food and/or avoid becoming food.  Though chameleons are able to change colors, we learned that the primary reason they do this is to show their mood.  Chameleons change colors for many reasons, and scientists believe one of many reasons they do this is to disguise themselves.  Students have been working to blend chameleons into our classroom environment.  To learn more about why chameleons change their colors, read this article on Wonderopolis.org

The students know that animals have certain body parts to help them meet their basic needs. We experimented with different tools and different foods to learn about why different birds have different beaks.  The students were able to observe that some tools were easier to use when getting certain foods, and decided that birds would have beaks based on the foods they eat.  We also read What If You Had Animal Teeth?, and we thought about what we would be able to do if we had animal teeth.  Students created pictures of themselves with different teeth, and wrote about what they'd be able to do.

We have also been able to use the chromebooks to learn about animal adaptations.  The Wildlife Conservation Society: New York Zoos and Aquarium has a website where students can build their wild selves using various animal parts.  Once completed, a description of the various body parts is given.

We will wrap up our study of animal adaptations this week with a few more experiments when families visit during American Education Week.  Hope to see you there!